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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Rebecca make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


     Rebecca would love to meet you and your friends.  Whether you already know and love her or whether you have questions about her race, Rebecca would love to meet you face to face.  The options are limited only by your imagination: Host a House Party; Have a Neighborhood Meet & Greet or Invite her to speak at your company or civic organization.


     If Rebecca has the availability on her calendar, she will be there.  Just send a request to the campaign and we’ll get started!


     Rebecca is a people person.  The more people know her, the more people support her.  Rebecca believes that people matter.  If you would like to help her continue her work for the people of Macon-Bibb, please sign up now.


     Campaigns are expensive.  Giving is easier than ever.  If you are “old-school” you can write a check to COMMITTEE TO RE-ELECT REBECCA GRIST or you can just click below and donate online.  

Join the Rebecca Grist Campaign

The Committee to Re-Elect Rebecca Grist

P.O. Box 704

Macon, GA 31202


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